Tax-effective income streams


Generation Life Tax Effective Equity Income Fund

The Generation Life Tax Effective Equity Income Fund is designed to provide investors with a regular income stream, generated from a portfolio of high yielding Australian shares.

The Fund seeks to generate a tax optimised return and provide a growing income stream by investing in a diversified portfolio of high-quality companies.

The Fund is a ‘tax paid’ investment where tax on the Fund’s earnings is paid by Generation Life, rather than you as an investor at your personal marginal tax rate. Over the long term we estimate the average tax paid by the fund will be less than 10% p.a.⁴

Who is the fund suitable for?

If you are looking for a regular payment stream with exposure to a diversified portfolio of listed Australian shares. 

If you are on a higher marginal tax rate or looking to manage your marginal tax rate position. 

Where you don’t have access to superannuation and you need a tax effective regular income stream. 

If you need to fund regular expenses such as school fees. 

If an additional source of regular cashflow is needed in retirement, with no limits on how much you can contribute. 

Where you need certainty and peace of mind when providing for future generations.

Find out more

To find out more, view our Generation Life Tax Effective Equity Income Fund brochure or alternatively contact your financial adviser.