Generation Life is committed to the health and wellbeing of our staff, clients and the community. Our executive management team has been meeting daily in regards to the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat and considering the latest available information and advice from the Government and health authorities.
Business continuity plans
Generation Life has activated its business continuity plans to ensure the safety of our employees and clients. We have also taken steps to minimise disruption to our business operations and client services. To reduce the health risk of our staff and their families, the executive management team has now fully implemented our work from home arrangements. This means that all staff will now be working remotely until the situation changes.
Committed to continuing to service our clients
Please be assured that our staff remain fully accessible and ready to assist you with any matter. They can still be contacted either by email or phone. Advisers and investors are asked to please not attend Generation Life’s physical office. The contact number for Generation Life is 1800 806 362 and our email address is
Given the rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, we continue to monitor the situation daily to reassess our approach and we will make further announcements if this arrangement changes. Based on the current situation and Government announcements, we believe we will be able to manage the COVID-19 situation without any material impact on our service to clients. We want to assure you that we remain open for business and fully engaged in meeting your investment needs.
Increased volume of client enquiries
As you can appreciate, we are currently handling a higher volume of client enquiries than normal, which can result in small delays. Rest assure that all matters will be attended to.
We encourage you to utilise our online application form at for all new applications and to submit additional investments via BPAY. Your BPAY details can be found through Investor Online at
We thank you for your patience and we will respond to you as quickly as possible. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones through this uncertain time.
Grant Hackett OAM
Chief Executive Officer, Generation Life
27 March 2020