Not Tomorrow's Problem Guide
Help your clients take control of their finances today, for a better tomorrow.

With 90% of Australians feeling the average person is currently under financial pressure, Generation Life’s new Not Tomorrow’s Problem Guide uncovers what’s impacting Australians at key life stages.

Research summary

Generation Life’s Not Tomorrow’s Problem research revealed that Australians are feeling pressure from the financial landscape. But the right advice today, can lead to a more fulfilling tomorrow.

In this Guide, we identify how financial advisers – equipped with innovative investment solutions – can help Australians proactively navigate these stages with confidence to achieve their most important financial goals.

Key Insights
Aspiring Australians
7 in 10 have low understanding of proposed superannuation concession changes and stage 3 tax cuts. This likely to puts them at risk of financial setbacks.
Mid-Life High-Net-Worth Parents
75% feel under financial pressure and their key concerns impacting their financial goals are tax and needing to take time off work to care for loved ones.
3 in 4 feel they are unable to achieve their top goal of saving for a happy retirement.
High-Net-Worth Legacy Builders
63% are focused on estate planning, alongside helping loved ones achieve goals in the shorter-term, like buying their first home.
Why is this important?
Australia’s financial goal posts are shifting

New policies, longer lifetimes, new ways to build wealth, and a rapidly evolving world mean the financial goals Australians strive towards are also changing.

Our new guide arms financial advisors with in-depth research, insights, case studies and tax-effective investments that can help clients achieve their financial goals at pivotal life stages.

Help solve tomorrow’s problems, today.

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Generation Life Limited (Generation Life) AFSL 225408 ABN 68 092 843 902 is the product issuer. The information provided is general in nature and does not consider the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any person and is not intended to constitute personal financial advice. The product’s Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination are available at and should be considered in deciding whether to acquire, hold or dispose of the product. Professional financial advice is recommended. Generation Life excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability (including negligence) that might arise from this information or any reliance on it. Generation Life does not make any guarantee or representation as to any particular level of investment returns. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.  Unless noted otherwise, references to percentages or figures and/or ages are based on the survey described in Generation Life’s Not Tomorrow’s Problem guide June 2024. Factual information only is provided, not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about superannuation products or superannuation investments.